Recommending Bestiality Impregnation Games


Sep 5, 2023
Hey, just wondering if someone has recommendations for bestiality impregnation focused games. Not VNs. Games that involve impregnation/pregnancy and especially ones that show impregnation, sperm going into the egg, etc, are preferred! If you can, note which species are included in the game too.

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Sep 5, 2023
Here's some that I've come across:
War Demon Kirsten (Kangaroo, Horse, Spider, Rabbits, Monkeys):
Feel like this one's got a lot of missed potential in enemies as some like the wolves, bear, and kangaroo are all prime candidates for some breeding, but the first 2 don't have any sex scenes and the kangaroo is anal only, so no impregnation. Still has some ok pregnancy mechanics.

Due to the "50 years old but looks like he's 10" boy, there's also a bit of worry for those like myself who are extremely repulsed by anything resembling shota/loli (yes I'm aware that's hypocritical considering the thread title since both are consent issues), but here at least you seemingly have to explicitly try to go for it, so it's very avoidable luckily.

Jumble Jokers (Rat, Spider, Dogs):
The first in a so far 2-game series. Compared to the 2nd (which I ended up playing first, oops) the pregnancy mechanics are a little more clunky as is the game installation process itself. Main issue with pregnancy is that you have to go back to the hospital to terminate the pregnancy or you have to wait around to carry to term. Still, it's actually quite good if you're looking for battle sex, and rats are pretty rare to see with this.

Amelia's age is kinda hard to gauge because the translated lines aren't exactly consistent, but considering she looks about the same size as the others who are stated to be of age (18-21 I believe) I kinda assume she's ok? But that's a bit up in the air, she's definitely older in Strikers since that's supposed to take place a while after Jokers.

Speaking of...

Jumble Strikers (Spider, Worm, Fly, Dogs):
The latest in the 2-game series, and far better in execution as far as the pregnancy and sex battle mechanics go. Some of the improvements in the pregnancy mechanics are the introduction of the after pill, allowing you to get knocked up in battle, take a pill, and immediately get knocked up again, and the small but very nice detail of more sperm appearing swarming the egg if you're knocked up after more cumshots.
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Sep 5, 2023
New entry to the list:

Stolen Newleywed Monica (Dogs/Wolves):

Not really huge on NTR honestly, but it's relatively easy to skip past anything regarding that. Unfortunately the impreg system being kinda poor (more realistic, with fertilization showing well after sex, but let's be real I think most of us here with breeding fetishes want to see it almost instantly) and very small selection of scenes (though I did put both dogs and wolves here, they have the exact same scenes despite being different enemies) compared to the rest of the game, I have to rate this one relatively low.


Sep 5, 2023
New entry:

Tunnel Escape (Dogs [Zombie], Snakes, Lizards(?), Wolves):

Extremely well made game, even if the dev is a bit dickish with malware-like DRM in this game (which was removed in the cracked version provided here). Great struggle and battle sex mechanics, and the ability to be impregnated multiple times (which is something I've been looking for in these games as well). Most of the enemies are not beasts but there is one in almost every level so far. Zombie dogs in the first level, snakes in the second, and lizards (though these are kinda similar to types of small dinosaurs from what I remember, hence the question mark) in the third.

The wolves are a bit of a missed chance imo, since they come together but only have 1 animation where one climbs on top and fucks you in the ass while the other goes ass-to-ass fucking your pussy, which looks very odd. I am hoping that in the future another one where the 2 change holes and maybe the other one climbs under you might be implemented, but that's a minor gripe, admittedly. Not sure where to find the wolves atm.

Considering that there's going to be at least 1 more level made, I'm hoping for at least 1 other beast character (personally, hoping for some really big creature like a bear or something)


Sep 5, 2023
nothing new, just changed the thread from seeking to recommending since most of the posts here have been my reviews of some games like these. I'd still very much appreciate anyone who wants to add to the thread though, I'm always looking for more of this stuff.


Sep 5, 2023
Introducing: the SinnerMeter (patent pending)

AKA just giving games I've listed scores out of 100. Mostly on the beast sex scenes quality and quantity, as well as impreg mechanics, but also on the gameplay itself considering it can be very important as well.

Trapped on Monster Island: 50/100, Listed by someone else, I tried it and found it extremely lacking. Mostly non-beast content (monster men/goblins etc it seemed to me) and the gameplay is really rough to figure out.
War Demon Kirsten: 80/100. Pretty good but has some very clear avenues to be better.
Jumble Jokers: 85/100. Jankiness of the gameplay brings it down a bit.
Jumble Strikers: 95/100. Near perfection, though the h-scenes being still images, plus inconsistent x-ray view means it can't quite get that last little bit.
Stolen Newlywed Monica: 65/100. It's fine, but desperately lacking in the quality and quantity of scenes, plus the impreg mechanics being poor.
Tunnel Escape: 90/100. The impregnation effect is a little bit underwhelming to me compared to other games, and I would like a bit more in terms of the # of beast enemies and different scenes with each, but it is still easily great.


Sep 5, 2023
tried it, really had no idea what I was doing. Looking at the gallery, it's pretty paltry in terms of the actual beast content, unless I'm missing something. Even moreso in regards to pregnancy/impregnation.

Going off what I saw, putting it on the SinnerMeter, 30/100 I think. But I might've missed something.


Sep 5, 2023
ah, I remember playing these a while back. Drop Factory is really close to being great, but for me, not being able to actually SEE the impregnation, the sperm and egg joining, is a bit of a letdown, despite the fact that everything else in it is great (with the exception of shota enemies but at least it's easy to avoid that)


Sep 5, 2023

This game has multiple events that feature a wolf pack.

A pregnancy system was added relatively recently, where you can chose between "realistic" and "fetishised" with only the latter showing impregnation on screen.

I've tried this before, I did enjoy it but the lack of pregnancy beyond the wolves is slightly disappointing. I'm hoping they add it for the Hawk, cats, dogs, horses, bear etc.


Sep 5, 2023

Dogs/wolf (and monsters). Includes an animated x-ray panel showing penetration and fertilization, with each sex partner having different sperm designs and different "ovum-penetration" animations.
oh yeah, I meant to link this one before. It's pretty good, though I of course wished there was more in terms of beast content aside from the dogs. And I'm not big on the cheating/cuck theme as well, but that's more of a personal thing.

Plugging it into the meter I'd give it a solid 80/100. Would be 85-90 with more beast content