3.90 star(s) 61 Votes


Game Developer
Apr 25, 2020
In all seriousness though, in regards to progress I’m done with the story now, just editing and I’ve done 20% of the renders. I know it’s slow and I apologise but this is really just a hobby for me. I work 60+ hours a week on top of university and other commitments so I can’t dedicate a lot of time to development and I hope everyone can understand and respect that.

It will take a little while but the game will be updated and finished regardless of how long it takes. This release will be the longest wait period of any future releases because it was a lot of learning too and even now, there’s still a lot I can improve on and learn. I picked up this game because I love the story but it’s not feasible for me to dedicate more time to it over my other commitments.

Renders will still take a little while but I hope it’s worth the wait for everyone and I’m excited for everyone to see what I’m making. Not long to go now :)


Jun 1, 2018
It's not a porn game...its a story driven Adult visuel novel with some porn fetishes yes but a porn game mainly focuses on sex which this game doesn't. The crime story is its main focus, the sex stuff is just there to keep the pervs entertained. Cause everyone bitches when a game has a sister or mom that can't be fucked. Everyone bitches if the game doesn't have sex or nudity. Less people care about the main story. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here who would still play this game if there wasn't sex/nudity or sister/mom banging.
Yes you can safely assume you are the minority, and that minority probably only includes you. Who would come to f95zone to find a game "only" for the story? LMAO the world is just full of strange people.
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Reactions: Regardie


May 9, 2022
Yes you can safely assume you are the minority, and that minority probably only includes you. Who would come to f95zone to find a game "only" for the story? LMAO the world is just full of strange people.
Only? Sure silly to think that. But 99% story and 1% porn is fine. 99% porn and 1% story is not fine.

The amount of ecchi needed for me to be satisfied with a game is no where close to the amount of everything else, especially story. I'll get over subpar art. Subpar animtions. Subpar UI. A subpar story though makes the whole game shit.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
Yes you can safely assume you are the minority, and that minority probably only includes you. Who would come to f95zone to find a game "only" for the story? LMAO the world is just full of strange people.
Hey bud so there's this thing called porn right, it's where real people have sex. Or perhaps even better, go out and try it out for yourself.. Sex that is and Stop jerking off to 3d animated women, not everyone plays these games for that reason. I mean who in their right mind would when there's real porn out there u can watch? LMAO The world is just full of strange people.
  • Haha
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Jun 1, 2018
Only? Sure silly to think that. But 99% story and 1% porn is fine. 99% porn and 1% story is not fine.

The amount of ecchi needed for me to be satisfied with a game is no where close to the amount of everything else, especially story. I'll get over subpar art. Subpar animtions. Subpar UI. A subpar story though makes the whole game shit.
So? I'd like a game with a story too, otherwise I'd watch porn, but if I come here and download an adult novel it's because I want the sexual content too, and you are the same, as everyone else here even if they say otherwise. But the dude I quoted, which wasn't you, said :
"In fact I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here who would still play this game if there wasn't sex/nudity or sister/mom banging."

That's saying he would play this without the sexual stuff, which is either a lie or very strange indeed, as I said.
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Jun 1, 2018
Hey bud so there's this thing called porn right, it's where real people have sex. Or perhaps even better, go out and try it out for yourself.. Sex that is and Stop jerking off to 3d animated women, not everyone plays these games for that reason. I mean who in their right mind would when there's real porn out there u can watch? LMAO The world is just full of strange people.
Hey bud if I want to beat my meat to 3D women I will do so I don't need your endorsement. You're here for the same, as is the reason this website exists and these developers do what they do. You're either lying to yourself about what you do which is immature or even more worryingly really would play these without the sexual stuff which is as I said before is just pretty fucking weird.


May 9, 2022
That's saying he would play this without the sexual stuff, which is either a lie or very strange indeed, as I said.
Not really strange at all. It only means that this particular game had a story interesting enough to him he would have enjoyed it without porn. It doesnt mean he came to this site for pornless games. Only that he found one that would still be a great game without the ecchi. I feel you were overthinking his opinion, which happens, and isnt a big deal.


Game Developer
Apr 25, 2020
Regardless of why you play AVNs, it really doesn't matter. The main thing is that there's something for everyone which is the beauty about the different genres and games created. In Part 1, Silk_Ari, definitely strived for a balance between story and sex and was willing to have those encounters straight away to appeal to different kinds of people. I've always been a story first kinda guy, so that will be portrayed in my writing. I'm going to focus on the eroticism and build up first, even going into Part 2 with already established characters because that's just what's personally interesting to me and how I want to base the game around.

That's not to say there won't be stuff for people who are more interested in the sex elements to these games, because at the end of the day, regardless of the reason we're playing, the great thing is, is that these games exist. So does it really matter whether you're playing for the sex or playing for the story? Let's just appreciate we all have our own quirks and things.


Jun 1, 2018
Not really strange at all. It only means that this particular game had a story interesting enough to him he would have enjoyed it without porn. It doesnt mean he came to this site for pornless games. Only that he found one that would still be a great game without the ecchi. I feel you were overthinking his opinion, which happens, and isnt a big deal.
Maybe, but reading his comments again, I doubt I misunderstood what he meant.

"Everyone bitches if the game doesn't have sex or nudity"

Ummm, excuse me! If I come to f95zone and download a game only to find there are no sex or nudity then you bet your ass I'm gonna bitch about it. Not that guy though apparently.

Oh well, never mind.
  • Angry
Reactions: Regardie
Jul 28, 2018
In all seriousness though, in regards to progress I’m done with the story now, just editing and I’ve done 20% of the renders. I know it’s slow and I apologise but this is really just a hobby for me. I work 60+ hours a week on top of university and other commitments so I can’t dedicate a lot of time to development and I hope everyone can understand and respect that.

It will take a little while but the game will be updated and finished regardless of how long it takes. This release will be the longest wait period of any future releases because it was a lot of learning too and even now, there’s still a lot I can improve on and learn. I picked up this game because I love the story but it’s not feasible for me to dedicate more time to it over my other commitments.

Renders will still take a little while but I hope it’s worth the wait for everyone and I’m excited for everyone to see what I’m making. Not long to go now :)
Take your time. I really liked the first game, and can't wait to play the second!
  • Red Heart
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
Hey bud if I want to beat my meat to 3D women I will do so I don't need your endorsement. You're here for the same, as is the reason this website exists and these developers do what they do. You're either lying to yourself about what you do which is immature or even more worryingly really would play these without the sexual stuff which is as I said before is just pretty fucking weird.
Look man If it's so weird or unbelievable to u that someone can play a story driven adult visual novel just for or mainly for the story without jacking off to it then I feel sorry for you, tells me where u at mentally. Good luck with that bud. Don't strain yourself too much.


Jun 1, 2018
Look man If it's so weird or unbelievable to u that someone can play a story driven adult visual novel just for or mainly for the story without jacking off to it then I feel sorry for you, tells me where u at mentally. Good luck with that bud. Don't strain yourself too much.
No straining here. For you though, the next time you take out your dick while playing a "visual novel", you will think about this moment and what you said here, you better believe it :WeSmart:


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
Maybe I am in the minority but if animations are that difficult for you I think various static renders with good descriptive narration(at least a couple of renders for each scene) that show and tell what is happening could still be enough, since OOL never was about sex first. It's a story driven game with sex. Not the other way around. No animations is of course often something people don't like. But I feel static renders with good narration are preferable over bad or insanely boring animations. Add some really nice music to the scenes (it should be music used only for those scenes), so that despite a lack of animation the scenes have the proper mood.
So many games / VNs I played (roughly 60-70 now) have animations that do almost nothing for me, since they are the typical 1-2 second loops and look quite robotic and mechanical.

And once you gain the knowledge and/or proper hardware you can always begin to add animations later, but don't let animations bog you down too much in the beginning. If it's too much for now, then be open about it (like you are now) and I think most fans of OOL will understand.

Maybe make a poll etc and ask people if they would be ok with no animations for now.
Thanks! I really appreciate the input. That’s definitely a path looking into. I’ve still got a bit more of the story to write before I can focus solely on renders & animations, so hopefully I can get a bit closer to making them better, but if not maybe it will be worth just doing statics and updating them further down the track.

I absolutely agree with the Witcher above, those endless, short loop animations do nothing for me and seem quite time-consuming.
For me, a number of renders sequentially showing the sex can be far more engaging, especially if the narration is done well.

So you can at least add one vote to that approach of going for static renders now and maybe adding animations (well done ones) at a later date.
I wouldn't say that the story is the main selling point for me, but the story and the sex scenes are a package and it is the package which I like.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2016
I absolutely agree with the Witcher above, those endless, short loop animations do nothing for me and seem quite time-consuming.
For me, a number of renders sequentially showing the sex can be far more engaging, especially if the narration is done well.

So you can at least add one vote to that approach of going for static renders now and maybe adding animations (well done ones) at a later date.
Yeah, I hate when devs just throw a short animated loop and 2-3 lines for every sex scene. Also, while a well-written spontaneous quickie can be really hot, I quickly lose interest when all the sex scenes are basically "let's fuck" "ok" *sex* with no "sexual escalation" in the scenes or depth to the characters.

There're unfortunately way too many games that fail to incorporate characters' personalities in the sex scenes and end up making all of them feel and look the same. Basically, it's probably not a good sign if it would be absolutely impossible to tell who is involved in the scene without the characters' names in the text box and the art showing us.
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The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
Yeah, I hate when devs just throw a short animated loop and 2-3 lines for every sex scene. Also, while a well-written spontaneous quickie can be really hot, I quickly lose interest when all the sex scenes are basically "let's fuck" "ok" *sex* with no "sexual escalation" in the scenes or depth to the characters.

There're unfortunately way too many games that fail to incorporate characters' personalities in the sex scenes and end up making all of them feel and look the same. Basically, it's probably not a good sign if it would be absolutely impossible to tell who is involved in the scene without the characters' names in the text box and the art showing us.

Yeah, you see these posts quite often.
"No animations, fuck this game." or "Great game, but needs animation."
And I'm all like: "Wait, this game has great written sex scenes, they are hot as fuck, and you're not gonna play it, because it doesn't have a two-second loop of two bodies bumping into each other mechanically and awkwardly?"

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good animation, but it's the combination of story and art that gets me going, if I just wanted to look at nude bodies copulating I wouldn't even have to look at renders, I could just watch real porn, where it also looks way more life-like.
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2016
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good animation, but it's the combination of story and art that gets me going, if I just wanted to look at nude bodies copulating I wouldn't even have to look at renders, I could just watch real porn, where it also looks way more life-like.
And you'd get new content much faster. :LUL:

But yeah that's pretty much how I feel also, I play these games for the combination of story, adult content, and the fact that you can actually influence said story to some extent. The fancy graphics and animations are simply a nice bonus to me, not a dealbreaker if everything else is great.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
Yeah, I hate when devs just throw a short animated loop and 2-3 lines for every sex scene. Also, while a well-written spontaneous quickie can be really hot, I quickly lose interest when all the sex scenes are basically "let's fuck" "ok" *sex* with no "sexual escalation" in the scenes or depth to the characters.

There're unfortunately way too many games that fail to incorporate characters' personalities in the sex scenes and end up making all of them feel and look the same. Basically, it's probably not a good sign if it would be absolutely impossible to tell who is involved in the scene without the characters' names in the text box and the art showing us.
Yeah, you see these posts quite often.
"No animations, fuck this game." or "Great game, but needs animation."
And I'm all like: "Wait, this game has great written sex scenes, they are hot as fuck, and you're not gonna play it, because it doesn't have a two-second loop of two bodies bumping into each other mechanically and awkwardly?"

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good animation, but it's the combination of story and art that gets me going, if I just wanted to look at nude bodies copulating I wouldn't even have to look at renders, I could just watch real porn, where it also looks way more life-like.
This has been a pet hate of mine for years.
There's still hope. Thank you.
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Aug 4, 2018
Unofficial Android Port for :

Oath of Loyalty [Ch. 10] + Shaddy's Multi Mod + Incest Patch


My Android Ports have a 2nd Persistent save location. So, even if you uninstall the game, the saves will remain Intact.
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if you liked my work, support on Patreon.

If it says unknown developer or something like that just press install anyway.

Give Me Your Feedback on the Discord Server. As it's easier to reach me there, than here.
Can anyone please re-upload this port? Original link is down.
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3.90 star(s) 61 Votes