This is what makes an F95er cry

  • Thread starter Deleted member 78983
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
I really don't get the reference xD I've never tried to "Upgrade" my account, so I'm unaware of anything monetary in regards to MEGA.
The fence company advertised 10 foot fence for sale, 40% off. so I ordered one
They installed a 6 foot fence. I said hey where's the other 40%?
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Saburo. M

Oct 28, 2019
Right now about 21% of the world speaks English. That's kind of amazing considering that over 400 languages have been created in the last 100 years by those trying to drive people apart. Thanks to the internet people are fighting back, telling those who rule over them where they can go with their divisive languages. Parents are secretly teaching their children English, so that they will have a chance at a better life.

I have a dream, where one day the people of Earth will all speak one language.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exhalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, the ocean depths shall be filled and the seas made shallow, the rivers stop flowing, and all the land becomes muddy swamps.

I have a dream, where everyone lives together in the muddy swamps, and they get tired of doing laundry, so they abandon clothing, and all the people frolic in the mud, and it gets in their hair all dread-locked.

I have a dream that my children's children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Where everyone is mud colored, and dread-locked, and naked.

I have a dream where cars and trucks get stuck in that mud, and abandoned, and the only way to get around is by airboats.

I have a dream where all them, highrise buildings sink into the mud, and basements are all filled with mud and everyone lives on ground level, as equals, nobody higher than anyone else. Then we will be free at last.
I think it is more widely spoken than what your data suggests when even certain states of Borneo island recognizes it as their official language instead of their own dayak language. in fact if you lived in the far East you might dispute that English was more widely used in the last century than it is today but somehow its usage has been supressed over the past few decades. while i see efforts to demonize English by extremists and fanatics especially in a few South East Asian societies like Malaysia and Indonesia i would support the idea that English be a permanent universal language that bridges cultures while unifying humanity.

believe it or not when we travel to China, Indochina all the way to the West Indies the language we use is just English, not French, Chinese or Japanese.

but i would be strongly against the idea of eradicating any language like how some are seeking to eradicate English and no English is not my 1st language. nor the only language that i speak. in fact i do not even have the opportunity to use it in real life but only when i communicate in the internet.

as a Malay proverb which goes; "Budaya itu bangsa" which literally means Culture itself is race, a language or dialect is a crucial part for any form of heritage, and races are defined by its heritage ideally. not creed or color. and cultures exists as a sense of wisdom to govern knowledge.

to embrace the world is to accept its multiculturalism through the ability to to understand and embrace languages. humanity should be united by something more profound instead of being forced upon or have something which identifies each of them eradicated, that would not unify or stand any test.

my question to the West, like many of us Easterner would like to ask is always; have Westerners lost their heritage? is their heritage so barbaric in their own opinion that they do not see any good value which uniquely indentifies themselves as who they are but just by their skin color?

we like to search for that value in that heritage of theirs to appreciate what is profound about theirs like how we hold on profoundly to ours but since we cant find it we try to look for it in their language. how they use it.

while cultural values is a form of self governance and even governs knowledge, what happens when a society devoids itself of culture?

something to think about there.
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
I think it is more widely spoken than what your data suggests when even certain states of Borneo island recognizes it as their official language instead of their own dayak language. in fact if you lived in the far East you might dispute that English was more widely used in the last century than it is today but somehow its usage has been supressed over the past few decades. while i see efforts to demonize English by extremists and fanatics especially in a few South East Asian societies like Malaysia and Indonesia i would support the idea that English be a permanent universal language that bridges cultures while unifying humanity.

believe it or not when we travel to China, Indochina all the way to the West Indies the language we use is just English, not French, Chinese or Japanese.

but i would be strongly against the idea of eradicating any language like how some are seeking to eradicate English and no English is not my 1st language. nor the only language that i speak. in fact i do not even have the opportunity to use it in real life but only when i communicate in the internet.

a language or dialect is a crucial part for any form of heritage, and races are defined by its heritage ideally. not creed or color. to embrace the world is to accept its multiculturalism through the ability to to understand and embrace languages. humanity should be united by something more profound instead of being forced upon or have something which identifies each of them eradicated, that would not unify or stand any test.
I find it ironic that so many people use english, considering it was designed for slaves.

Some cultures, heritages and traditions have been around for a long time, but most are relatively new.
For example I took my daughter shopping for prom, and the saleslady kept using the word "traditional"
this is a traditional prom dress, these are traditional corsages. I got sick of hearing it, and told her there's no such thing as a "traditional prom dress" there was no prom until the 1950s hardly a tradition after only 30 years, and the so-called traditional prom dress changes every year. traditional is just their way of saying overpriced.

I couldn't agree more that ancient cultures should be preserved. Angelina Jolie is a child trafficker in my opinion. Taking children from their parents, depriving them of their heritage, forcing them into education camps, indoctrinating them into consumerism, should be punishable by having more than your tits chopped off. How dare you, you fucking bigot. Just because you were fucked up as a child doesn't give you the right to steal children and torture them.
How many people in his village died, because he was not there to help his people harvest, or bring home food to his people. Your culture sucks Angelina, leave those kids alone.
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Deleted member 78983

I find it ironic that so many people use english, considering it was designed for slaves.

Some cultures, heritages and traditions have been around for a long time, but most are relatively new.
For example I took my daughter shopping for prom, and the saleslady kept using the word "traditional"
this is a traditional prom dress, these are traditional corsages. I got sick of hearing it, and told her there's no such thing as a "traditional prom dress" there was no prom until the 1950s hardly a tradition after only 30 years, and the so-called traditional prom dress changes every year. traditional is just their way of saying overpriced.

I couldn't agree more that ancient cultures should be preserved. Angelina Jolie is a child trafficker in my opinion. Taking children from their parents, depriving them of their heritage, forcing them into education camps, indoctrinating them into consumerism, should be punishable by having more than your tits chopped off. How dare you, you fucking bigot. Just because you were fucked up as a child doesn't give you the right to steal children and torture them.
How many people in his village died, because he was not there to help his people harvest, or bring home food to his people. Your culture sucks Angelina, leave those kids alone.
Man... you just can't help but shitpost.
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
I find it ironic that so many people use english, considering it was designed for slaves.

Some cultures, heritages and traditions have been around for a long time, but most are relatively new.
For example I took my daughter shopping for prom, and the saleslady kept using the word "traditional"
this is a traditional prom dress, these are traditional corsages. I got sick of hearing it, and told her there's no such thing as a "traditional prom dress" there was no prom until the 1950s hardly a tradition after only 30 years, and the so-called traditional prom dress changes every year. traditional is just their way of saying overpriced.

I couldn't agree more that ancient cultures should be preserved. Angelina Jolie is a child trafficker in my opinion. Taking children from their parents, depriving them of their heritage, forcing them into education camps, indoctrinating them into consumerism, should be punishable by having more than your tits chopped off. How dare you, you fucking bigot. Just because you were fucked up as a child doesn't give you the right to steal children and torture them.
How many people in his village died, because he was not there to help his people harvest, or bring home food to his people. Your culture sucks Angelina, leave those kids alone.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing everyone that they needed to learn English.
Evil Laugh.gif
Jun 14, 2018
For some reason, I couldn't update my acc in MEGA when I tried (5gb download limit when downloading the whole daz3d asset section is time consuming). They didn't accept my debit card (it is a master card, from a big bank in the EU) and there was no PayPal option. I really don't use any other payment options.

About Angelina, her own girl is doing hormone therapy while she is 13y old. I don't get it how this isn't illegal. Your body still develops in fast rates and you are fucking it up. That kid is brainwashed.